Fall 2024 Monthlong
The monthlong is designed for white and white-passing people commited to dismantling the systems of oppression in ourselves and in the world around us, as well as in our communities of practice and in the bodies of work we carry. As we follow the waxing and waning of the moon, we will explore the earth-cherishing traditions of our ancestors, the harm our ancestors endured, the harm our ancestors caused, and the ways ancestors resisted and persisted along the way.
Through a series of online sessions, home study and practice, one-on-one peer support, and small group mentorship, we will honor the lineages that we’ve inherited, lay down the inheritances which no longer serve, and hold space for the grief—and relief—of letting go.
Wednesdays October 30-December 4
New Moon to New Moon
Session Dates:
10/30 Live-Session 10:00AM - 12:00PM PST
11/6 Live-Session 10:00AM - 12:00PM PST
11/13 Live-Session 10:00AM - 12:00PM PST
11/20 Live-Session 10:00AM - 12:00PM PST
11/27 Live-Session 10:00AM - 12:00PM PST
12/4 Live-Session 10:00AM - 12:00PM PST

We root in our lineages and traditions in order to grow towards a future of liberation and flourishing. Will you join us?
Curriculum & Cycles
Our course is paced in alignment with ancestral cycles themselves, as studying in rhythm with understandings and practices regarding time in our lineages is itself part of the work of recovery and repair.
Apprenticing Ancestors in Ancestral Time
We are re-calling our ancestors into the work of mending the violence of white supremacy. In particular, we seek to build anti-racist culture with one another in resistance to the pressures of Christian hegemony and capitalist economics. As we reckon with the ways our lineages are complicit in systems of domination, we seek to nourish our study in modalities of time which we’re forgotten, abdicated, or suppressed through assimilation into whiteness. While we convene as a multi-cultural space of white and white passing folx, we are attending to shared earth-honoring and cosmic-rooted ways: Lunar cycles, Solar cycles, astrological cycles, and ecological seasons.
The Re-Calling Our Ancestors monthlong begins with the New Moon and the Fall Cross-Quarter then concludes with the following New Moon.

Will you join us as we build our personal, ancestral, and collective resilience to create meaningful change for ourselves, our communities, and our world?
Over the course of our moon cycle together, we will practice how we as white and white-priviledged folx:
Build healthy anti-racist identity, in connection with our ancestors;
Co-create vibrant, ancestrally-rooted cultures in solidarity;
Nourish and replenish alongside peers in our healing work;
Participate in meaningful cross-cultural, cross-class, and cross-racial exchange;
Mobilizing our white communities into deeper transformative movement building

Why an Intensive for White Folx?
In the midst of climate chaos, ongoing racial injustice, the continued trails of the pandemic —not to mention the many other compounding systems of harm— we need networks of care and communities of resistance anchored by individuals resourced in radical ancestral practices. Moreover, we need critically engaged and culturally-informed white folx showing up in heartfelt and effective service for movements for justice. Re-Calling Our Ancestors seeks to meet this need by situating white folx within their enchanted, critical, evolving, and relevant ancestral lineage(s).
If you are a Person of the Global Majority and feel resonance with this offering and are wondering about opportunities for your own and collective explorations of these topics, please reach out to Sobey Wing, Cross-Cultural Protocols Chair of the Youth Passageways Education and Consulting Collective, at sobeyone@gmail.com. Sobey can share about opportunities for personal mentoring, the upcoming podcast series by and for People of the Global Majority called Rites of Decolonization, and other potential offerings by and for People of the Global Majority.
We honor that race is a social construct, and there are people with white skin who come from Black, Indigenous, and/or other Communities of Color who may wish to participate in this offering. If this is you, you are welcome! And, please know your guides for the journey don’t carry this experience in their bodies so won’t be able to speak to these complexities from personal experience.
We invite folx to join us who hold:
a commitment to Black-wellness, Indigenous sovereignty, and the flourishing of People of the Global Majority;
at least a year’s study study in intersectional oppression, systems of domination, and liberatory practices;
an experience with engaging, conversing, and organizing other white folx
Experience and/or openness to somatic, embodiment and body-based healing modalities
Our Theory of Anti-Racist Culture Building
When we as white anti-racists strengthen our own resilience and relationships—individually and collectively—through ancestral practices and cultural reclamation, we have far more to offer multi-racial movements for justice.

Course Fees & Our Way with Money
We believe that how we are with money, together and individually, is part of our pathway out of systems of dominance and toward an emergent, flourishing, co-liberatory future.
Participants are asked to invest at the highest possible level when registering for the course. This helps to eliminate barriers to access for all, covers the real costs of the course, and supports our redistribution and reparations practice. We are committed to working with needs that would enable access for all those involved. As you consider your financial contribution, we invite you to to consider the following questions:
What ways have you been granted unearned advantage by the systems we live within? What ways do you have access to income, wealth, and assets? What ways did you and/or your family come to accrue wealth? What ways might your offering be a prayer and enactment of your commitment to restoring balance and right relationship? What ways might financial reciprocity be joyful, healing, and good?
Sliding Scale
In commitment to right livelihood for guides, in commitment to compensation for accountability partners, and in commitment to acts of redistribution and reparations, we ask for participants to make financial contributions on a sliding scale of $150-$700.
No one is turned away for lack of funds